Th!nkSafe Volume 6 No. 1 May 2024

Each issue of WorkSafe’s flagship magazine presents articles, current affairs, new systems and innovations and emerging WHS developments.
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View the articles from this issue
Changes to the workplace exposure standard for welding fumes
The workplace exposure standard (WES) for welding fumes (not otherwise classified) has been reduced from an eight-hour time weighted average of 5 mg/m³ to 1 mg/m³. The new exposure standard…...
Transitional arrangements for WHS regulations commenced
Transitional arrangements apply where duties are new or substantially changed from previous requirements. The Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 (WHS Regulations) include a transitional period allowing duty holders…...
Emergency planning under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020
The implementation of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and subsidiary legislation has driven significant transformation in safety management systems across industries. The focus has shifted from legislative prescription…...
Lessons learned from the ammonium nitrate emulsion tanker explosion
In October 2022, a tanker trailer carrying ammonium nitrate emulsion (ANE) caught fire and exploded approximately 150 kilometres east of Laverton in WA. ANE is commonly used in the manufacture…...
WorkSafe looks into security on construction sites
WorkSafe has commenced a proactive inspection program to look at site security issues on construction sites in Western Australia (WA). The inspection program will look at a number of randomly-selected…...
Unauthorised access on construction sites
When people enter construction sites, they may be exposed to hazards that can cause fatalities or serious injuries. As part of the duty of care responsibilities, the Work Health and…...
Timeline extended for mining statutory positions certification
The appointment of suitably qualified and experienced people into statutory positions has been a key principle ever since the requirement to appoint managers was enshrined in the Mines Regulation Act…...
Mine safety management system: Next steps
What is a mine safety management system (MSMS)? An MSMS is a comprehensive and integrated system for the management of all aspects of risks to health and safety in relation…...
Mining industry summit
Driving respect The Mining Industry Summit: Driving Respect (the Summit) was held on 1 August 2023 at Optus Stadium, with almost 1200 delegates attending. The event showcased an impressive array…...
MARS program updates and milestones
Led by the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS), in partnership with the Mental Health Commission, Equal Opportunity Commission and the Department of Communities, the Mental Awareness,…...
Meet Rob Curtis : The 2023 health and safety representative of the year
St John WA paramedic, Rob Curtis was awarded the 2023 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) of the year at the Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards held at Optus Stadium…...
Building human factors capability in the petroleum and geothermal energy industry
The WorkSafe Petroleum Safety and Dangerous Goods Directorate (WorkSafe) is responsible for the 22 major hazard facilities and 56 petroleum and geothermal energy operations that conduct drilling, pipelines and production…...
Asbestos 20-year ban anniversary: Where are we now?
Asbestos continues to be a hazard in Australia, despite the ban on new uses in 2003. This is because products containing asbestos still exist in our everyday built environment. WorkSafe…...
Establishing good safety practices on farms
WorkSafe has developed a basic farm safety guide, First steps to farm safety, to assist farmers on their journey towards establishing good safety practices on their farm. This guide simplifies…...
Rise of silicosis cases leads to ban on engineered stone
The rise in silicosis cases across Australia has prompted a national response from safety regulators, primarily targeting the engineered stone industry, but extending to address the risks from exposure to…...
WorkSafe agrees to enforceable WHS undertaking for the first time
WorkSafe and miner Fortescue have agreed to an enforceable WHS undertaking as an alternative to prosecution in relation to Fortescue failing to provide documents to WorkSafe. Fortescue was charged in…...
2022-23 Convictions
During 2022–23, workplace safety enforcement proceedings resulted in 24 convictions. Where incidents occurred prior to the introduction of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, prosecutions were actioned under the…...
Safety prosecution updates
Recent convictions Northern Star Carosue Dam Operations, Whirling Dervish underground gold mine Sentenced: 18 December 2023 In July 2020, a mine worker suffered fatal injuries when they fell approximately 25…...
WorkSafe: The way forward 2023–24 to 2025–26
Following the introduction of the work health and safety legislation, WorkSafe began working on a strategy to focus the direction of the organisation through to the end of the 2025–26…...
WA fatalities statistics trends
Welcome to the May edition of Th!nkSafe magazine. In this column I feature some interesting statistics on workplace hazards. Recent statistics have shown Western Australian (WA) workers have a much…...
New Department name
On 1 December 2023, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) was renamed the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS). Announced by the WA Government…...
Latest from SafetyLine News
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Sally North – WorkSafe Commissioner
Workers are a business' most important asset. This edition of ThinkSafe Magazine aims to assist in making your workplace safer and provides an update on what our WorkSafe team has…...
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Landmark Study Report: Insights from the worker survey and interviews
The Landmark Study is a research and evaluation project on mental health, sexual harassment, emerging mine safety issues as well as workplace initiatives to improve mental health, wellbeing, culture and…...
- SafetyLine News
Protective clothing for welders: Ensuring safety in high-risk environments
Welding, grinding and working with hot materials pose significant risks to welders. WorkSafe has investigated numerous incidents where welders’ clothing caught fire during welding, grinding or contact with hot welded…...
- SafetyLine News
Quad bike safety
A personal story Winter 2016, seven years prior to becoming a WorkSafe inspector, I was riding a quad bike on a farm. I was going up a slope in the…...
- SafetyLine News
Controlling noise-induced hearing loss
Noise-induced hearing loss can occur when workers are exposed to high noise levels in the workplace. Some examples of noisy work include construction work, operating machinery in a factory, lawn…...
- SafetyLine News
WorkSafe events
As part of helping to educate the Western Australian workforce on health and safety, WorkSafe offers industry and topic-specific events and engages with attendees at agricultural field days and career…...