The operation of mobile equipment and the interaction between plant, vehicles and pedestrians on mining roads present many hazards and risks to the safety of workers. Understanding the way traffic interacts and is managed on mine roads is vital to the safety of workers. Mine operators should ensure that all risks and hazards have been properly identified and robust controls implemented and continually monitored, maintained and reviewed to improve mine traffic safety.
To aid in the effective management of site traffic, mine operators are required to prepare a traffic management plan. The traffic management plan should address road and intersection design, signage, road rules, human factors, vehicle selection, maintenance of plant and road infrastructure, operating procedures, training, supervision, inspections, auditing and change management.
As part of its investigations into notifiable and reportable incidents related to traffic movement, WorkSafe Mines Safety has identified controls for the most common causes and factors involved in mining traffic-related incidents.

Prevention of uncontrolled movement of mobile plant and vehicles
This includes having suitable and designated parking areas for trucks, vehicles and mobile plant and ensuring they are on flat level ground with suitable parking ditches, humps or parking stops.
Fit-for-purpose barriers should be installed to prevent vehicles and plant going over embankments or into buildings, workshops and other areas where people may be located. It is important to ensure workers are informed on the parking procedures and the importance of fully applying the hand brake when parking.
Always consider driver’s line of sight and visibility
The driver’s line of sight should be considered when designing roads, ramps and intersections, windrow heights near intersections, and in the placement of signs and lighting including around corners and over crests. Vehicle technology that assists drivers vision by eliminating blind spots and alerting them to the proximity of vehicles or pedestrians should be considered. Replacing Y intersections with T intersections ensures clear visibility at intersections.
Edge protection to prevent falls of workers and mobile plant
Appropriate controls should be provided to prevent vehicles or workers from falling over road edges such as safety barriers or windrows formed with earthen material.
Road construction and design
To prevent plant and vehicles skidding, sliding or rolling over, road design and construction should provide well-drained and stable base layers. Roads must be properly maintained and graded on a regular basis, and overwatering should be avoided particularly on gradients. Speed restrictions should be implemented when road conditions change.
Human and organisation factors
Drivers should be aware of the risk of distractions, fatigue, inattention or not driving to conditions.
Further information
The WHS Mines Regulations 2022 set out the requirements for mobile plant and traffic management on WA mines. These can be found at
Traffic management on roads and other areas where vehicles and mobile plant operate on amine: Health and Safety Bulletin No. 9