Prompt reporting of incidents involving dangerous goods is essential for safety and compliance in Western Australia (WA). Dangerous goods, whether flammable, explosive, toxic or corrosive, can pose risks to people, property and the environment. By promptly notifying the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS), we enhance safety standards, prevent future incidents and foster transparency in workplaces. Compliance is crucial, and our ultimate goal is safeguarding both lives and the environment.

Benefits of reporting
Incident reporting enables WorkSafe’s Dangerous Goods Branch to stay abreast of safety risks, emerging trends and critical issues, which in turn can be communicated across industry and influence safety improvements. It encourages organisations to conduct thorough investigations, leading to valuable insights and improved safety outcomes.
Regulatory oversight
The Dangerous Goods Safety Act 2004 and the Dangerous Goods Safety Regulations 2007 govern dangerous goods safety in WA. These regulations are administered by WorkSafe’s Dangerous Goods Branch dangerous goods officers.
Legislative requirements about who to report incidents to often overlap. For instance, some dangerous goods incidents must also be reported to WorkSafe under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 and to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.
What constitutes a reportable incident?
A reportable dangerous goods incident includes any event involving dangerous goods that results in or could potentially result in significant harm. This includes:
- spills and leaks: uncontrolled releases of dangerous goods
- fires and explosions: incidents involving fire or explosion
- transport accidents: incidents involving dangerous goods during transit
- near misses: situations narrowly avoiding serious incidents.
Reporting procedure
If an incident occurs, report it promptly to a dangerous goods officer by emailing or via the WorkSafe Incident Emergency Hotline. Provide details about the incident, including type, amount of dangerous goods, location, time, date and contact information. Submit a written report within 21 days using the Dangerous Goods Incident Report Form available on the WorkSafe website.
See Reporting incidents involving dangerous goods for further information.
DEMIRS/WorkSafe Incident Emergency Hotline: 1800 678 198