Workers are a business’ most important asset. This edition of ThinkSafe Magazine aims to assist in making your workplace safer and provides an update on what our WorkSafe team has been working on.

Engineered stone ban in effect
Silicosis is an incurable and debilitating lung disease that can be fatal.
Australian work health and safety Ministers unanimously agreed to ban engineered stone because engineered stone workers were contracting silicosis in increasing numbers. In Western Australia, the ban came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Banning engineered stone should substantially reduce the exposure of stonemasons to the fine crystalline silica dust that can cause silicosis. However, some materials that may still be used for benchtops; for example porcelain, sintered stone or concrete can contain crystalline silica, and any cutting or grinding must be controlled. For more information, see engineered stone ban.
In September 2024, work health and safety regulations were introduced improving risk controls for silica-containing products (e.g. bricks, tiles or concrete) where dust is generated during work. Safe Work Australia guidance explains what you must do to keep workers safe.
Respiratory hazards are a priority in our strategy WorkSafe: The way forward and we are working to drive improvements in the management of asbestos, silica and other dusts in all sectors.
Vaping in the workplace
An estimated seven per cent of Australians have vaped in the past year. Increasing evidence shows vaping (e-cigarette use) produces carcinogens that can cause lung disease.
Public submissions on proposed work health and safety regulation amendments regarding vaping in the workplace closed on 31 July 2024. To protect workers from adverse health effects, the proposed regulations would treat vaping in the workplace in the same way as smoking tobacco.
WorkSafe recommends that workplace smoking policies be updated in consultation with workers and extended to cover vaping. It’s not necessary to wait for changes to the regulations to implement proactive safety policies.
End of transitional arrangements for plant registration
Mine operators should be aware that transitional arrangements for plant registration are quickly drawing to a close.
By 31 March 2025, registerable boilers and pressure vessels categorised as hazard level C (AS 4343:2014) will need to be registered with WorkSafe or a corresponding regulator.
To avoid delays in the registration process, WorkSafe recommends that applications for plant registration are submitted well in advance of the deadline.
Agricultural safety
Quad bike riding and welding are high risk farm activities, and this edition of Th!nkSafe has some insights and tips on these topics.
The independent Inquiry into the agricultural industry and the WorkSafe Commissioner’s response were published in April 2023 after considerable consultation and research. WorkSafe has progressed implementation of most recommendations including:
- improving statistical information. The Agricultural Industry Fatality report provides statistical insights into the risks and incident types that have caused fatal injuries
- developing the WorkSafe Agricultural Compliance Program 2023–2025 that began with an information and awareness campaign in the Narrogin region this winter. It will be rolled out to other regions in 2025
- increasing the number of inspectors focusing on agricultural safety
- publishing updated guidance for safety in farming
- visiting agricultural field days to answer queries and offer advice on workplace health and safety.
To those I met at the Narrogin Agricultural College event last August, thank you for your insights into and interest in work health and safety.
I am also excited to announce that WorkSafe’s new website will be launching soon. This will make it easier for you to find the information you need on our services.
Finally, thank you to everyone who participated in Safe Work Month events in October, and a big congratulations to the winners of the Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards.
Sally North
WorkSafe Commissioner