Enforcements and prosecutions

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2022-23 Convictions

During 2022–23, workplace safety enforcement proceedings resulted in 24 convictions. Where incidents occurred prior to the introduction of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, prosecutions were actioned under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 and the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994.

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 and Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996

Badge Constructions (WA) Pty Ltd23D 19(1) and 19A(3)$120,000
CDM hydraulics Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$375,000
Centurion Transport Co. Pty Ltd23D, 19(1) and 19A(3)$40,000
Chain Applications Pty Ltd23(1) and 23AA(2)$300,000
Clinton Douglas Morey55(1), 19(1) and 19A(2)$60,000
Expressway-Civic Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$390,000
L & M Radiator Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$500,000
Luke Fraser Corderoy55(1), 19(1) and 19A(2)$60,000
Mode 2 Group Pty Ltd23F 19(1) and 19A(2)$60,000
PT Supplies Group Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2) and 23I(2)(a) 23J(1) 54$240,000
Ryan and Melissa Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$600,000
Swinging Bricklayers Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$600,000
Swissport Australia Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(2)$110,000
Unique Metal Works Pty Ltd19(1) and 19A(3)$300,000
Van Lam TRAN6.2(1) and 4.41$6,000
VL Tran Family Company Pty Ltd22(1) and 22A(2)$110,000

Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994

Dampier Salt Limited15A, 9(1) and 9A(3)$ 20,000
Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd9(1) and 9A(3)$130,000
Karara Mining Pty Ltd9(1) and 9A(2)$120,000
Minjar Gold Pty Ltd9(1) and 9A(3)$35,500
Nifty Copper Pty Ltd13 and 13A(3$165,000
Steven Mark Davis10 and 10A(3)$1,500
Three Rivers Drilling Pty Ltd9(1) and 9A(2)$300,000
Tungsten Mining NL9(1) and 9A(2)$300,000

Further information

For information on the WorkSafe prosecutions under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 and its regulations see the Summary of Successful Prosecutions

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