Public Consultation

Have your say
The public consultation platform provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations to voice their opinions, share insights, and contribute to the development of work health and safety policies and guidance.
Taking your perspectives and concerns into account during the development phase will enhance the quality of WHS policies and guidance and cultivate a culture of shared responsibility towards maintaining a safer and healthier working environment for everyone.
Empowering individuals and organisations
WorkSafe encourages you to participate in the public consultation process. This is a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to make a submission on work health and safety matters.
Open public consultations

There are currently no open consultations.
Closed public consultations
- SafetyLine News
Draft code of practice: Work health and safety management systems in the Western Australian public sector
The Work Health and Safety Commission is inviting submissions on the draft code of practice: Work health and safety management systems in the Western Australian public sector....
- SafetyLine News
Amendments to code of practice: Managing the risk of falls in housing construction
The Work Health and Safety Commission is inviting public submissions on the amended draft code of practice, Managing the risks of falls in housing construction. This code has been revised…...
- SafetyLine News
Draft code of practice: Psychosocial hazards at work for fly-in fly-out (FIFO) workers in the resources and construction sectors
The draft code provides guidance on the application of a risk management process to avoid or minimise the harm from psychosocial hazards and risk factors. It contains material adapted from…...