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Public Consultation

Welcome to WorkSafe's platform for public engagement. Participate in public consultation about work health and safety matters.
consultation code practice

Have your say

The public consultation platform provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations to voice their opinions, share insights, and contribute to the development of work health and safety policies and guidance.

Taking your perspectives and concerns into account during the development phase will enhance the quality of WHS policies and guidance and cultivate a culture of shared responsibility towards maintaining a safer and healthier working environment for everyone.

Empowering individuals and organisations

WorkSafe encourages you to participate in the public consultation process. This is a unique opportunity for all stakeholders to make a submission on work health and safety matters.

WorkSafe open consultations

Share your thoughts about current consultation matters

WorkSafe closed consultations

View past consultations and outcomes

View Safe Work Australia consultations

Explore current national WHS consultations

Open public consultations

Take the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions and make a difference in matters of work health safety.

There are currently no open consultations.

Check back later for updates.

Closed public consultations

View past consultations where stakeholders have been invited to contribute. Submitted comments and suggestions were considered and used to inform the development of policies and guidance.
people listening to a conference
Public consultation projects conducted before 31 March 2022 are hosted on the previous closed public consultation page.