
Perth: How tough are we now? The psychosocial wellbeing of mine site workers

2 mine site workers looking at a document

WorkSafe Mines Safety together with Dean Laplonge are seeking industry input to document the progress that has been made in understanding and managing psychosocial hazards in the mining industry and to consider how to move ahead with addressing risks relating to harassment and violence on mine sites.

You can now find the report of the event under the “Resources” tab.

Know the speakers

Dr Dean Laplonge

Dean is a professional consultant and researcher with more than twenty years’ experience in the fields of gender, safety, organisational and workplace cultures, and international development. His specific areas of expertise are gender cultures in male-dominated industries, safety cultures in high risk workplaces, women’s safety, gender‑based violence, and organisational learning and development. He holds a PhD in cultural studies in the field of gender and a Masters in peace and conflict studies. Dean is widely published in academic journals across multiple disciplines, and also has an extensive list of publications in the media, with a significant public profile in discussing gender and safety in extractive industries and other male-dominated industries.

You can read below the findings of the two roadshows conducted by Dr Dean Laplonge for Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. 

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