The Work Health and Safety Commission is now inviting public submissions on the draft code of practice: Work health and safety management systems in the Western Australian public sector.
This code provides guidance to assist public sector entities to establish and implement a work health and safety management system (SMS).
An SMS is a framework that brings together an organisation’s policies, systems, procedures and plans to enable all workers to follow a systematic approach to achieving, improving and monitoring health and safety management.
For most public sector entities, an SMS will be an effective mechanism to manage health and safety risk and meet the primary duty of care requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020.
Getting involved
Please use the public consultation submission sheet to make a written submission.
Unless advised by the submitter, all submissions will be collectively made available to the public in a consultation summary. Submissions will be published verbatim with the submitter listed.
Next step
After submissions close, the next step will involve the review of your feedback. The Commission will consider all submissions when finalising the code of practice.
Codes of practice are approved by the Minister and then gazetted. WorkSafe will then publish the code on its website and promote through news alerts.