This draft code of practice has been developed by the Work Health and Safety Commission (the Commission) under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (the WHS Act).
The WHS Act provides for the approval, variation, and revocation of codes of practice by the Minister. Under section 275 of the WHS Act, the Minister may only approve a code of practice if it was developed by a process that involves consultation between unions and employer organisations.
This draft code of practice is intended to assist a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to manage electrical risks in the workplace. It applies to all workplaces where a PCBU has management or control of electrical equipment, including electrical installations. The draft code provides guidance on the risk management process, specific electrical hazards and controls, working de-energised, working near energised electrical parts, work in roof spaces, tools and equipment, high-voltage electrical work and electricity in mines.
While this draft code provides general guidance and will assist a PCBU in meeting their obligations under the WHS Act, electrical work is covered under the Electricity (Licensing) Regulations 1991 (ELR) and regulated by Building and Energy. Any PCBU or worker conducting electrical work must comply with the requirements of the ELR and guidance material developed by Building and Energy.
Getting involved
Please download and utilise the feedback template to provide comments regarding the draft code of practice located in the supporting documents section. Suggested content changes may also be tracked within the Word document and submitted along with the feedback template.
Kindly submit your feedback to
Submissions will only be taken into consideration if received prior to the closing date.
Next step
After submissions close, the next step will involve the review of your feedback. The Commission will consider all submissions when finalising the code of practice.
Codes of practice are approved by the Minister and then gazetted. WorkSafe will then publish the code on its website and promote through news alerts.