What is the new approach to examination and certifications processes for mining statutory positions?
Launched on 23 February 2023, the WHS Mines statutory positions portal facilitates the administration of statutory position requirements under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Mines Regulations) by providing online application and examination access for industry stakeholders. Not only does this streamline the process for candidates, it also assists with assessment processes for the Mines and Surveyors Competence Advisory Committees.
This digital solution replaces the paper-based business processes previously used to manage examinations and certifications under the superseded Mines Safety and Inspection legislation.
How does the system work?
The Portal is a learning management system that is configured with learning pathways to manage statutory certification processes and examination enrolments applicable to statutory positions on mining operations.
The learning pathways allow users to:
- access the application process to obtain a statutory certificate, including any examinations, required to be eligible for a certificated statutory position
- enrol for an examination required for eligibility for a non-certificated statutory position
- enrol for an examination required to transition a certificate of competency so it meets certification requirements under the WHS Mines Regulations.
What is the rollout plan?
There will be a phased rollout to access exam and certification pathways.
Note: Dates are indicative.
Phase 2 Site senior executives, exploration mangers
- Bookings opened 23 February 2023
- Exams delivered from 15 March 2023
Phase 2 Statutory supervisors
- Bookings opened 20 March 2023
- Exams delivered from 19 April 2023
Phase 3 Underground managers (non-coal), underground supervisors (non-coal)
- Bookings open 29 May 2023
- Exams delivered from 21 June 2023
Phase 4 Quarry managers
- Bookings open 3 July 2023
- Exams delivered from Wednesday 2 August 2023
Phase 5 Authorised mine surveyors, radiation safety officers, noise officers, mine air quality officers, underground ventilation officers
- Bookings open 15 January 2024
- Exams delivered from 7 February 2024
While the processes are being bedded down, all exams will be held at Cliftons in the Perth CBD, with capacity limits being increased over time. If all goes according to plan, exams will also be offered on a bimonthly basis in Kalgoorlie and Bunbury from October this year, with Geraldton and Karratha starting in November.
Stay up to date with the schedule by signing up for the weekly WorkSafe Mines Safety news alerts.

Want to know more about using the portal and preparing for an exam?
WorkSafe has a range of how-to guides and help videos to assist with accessing the portal, understanding the exam process, and booking an exam session when you are ready.
Make your life easier – check out the guidance and handy tips and advice below before registering for a portal account!
Candidates must book to attend the exam.
Make sure you register correctly for an exam session. Walk-ins cannot be accepted. There is a series of electronic exchanges between the Portal and candidate in the lead up to an exam, including the provision of a bespoke log-in code that identifies the candidate.
Note: Exam bookings close 7 days before a session.
The exam is open book.
Copies of the legislation will be provided but candidates may wish to bring their own marked-up versions of the legislation. However, ensure your versions contain the latest legislative amendments where applicable.
Note: Mobile phones, pens, markers and sticky notes (essentially anything that could be used to jeopardise the integrity of the question bank) will not be allowed on the candidate’s desk.
All legislation exams have the same structure and set pass marks.
There are three pools of exam questions – mandatory or core, general and role specific. The question selection is randomised so no candidate will have the same order of questions as someone else in the room.
Reaping the benefits
As well as building awareness and knowledge about the duties associated with statutory positions, preparation for a legislation exam helps candidates understand:
- how the WHS legislation is structured and written, and
- how to navigate the Act and regulations to find the answer to a question.
This understanding will assist with regulatory compliance in their daily activities, supporting healthier and safer workplaces.
Visit the WorkSafe website for more information about mining statutory positions and certificates, the Mines Statutory Positions Portal and examination schedule. WorkSafe has developed how-to guides and help videos to assist candidates to navigate within the Portal. You can even try a mock exam once you have registered!
Checkout the YouTube videos below.
How long does a person have to meet the requirements for a statutory position?
Under transitional arrangements, if a competent person is not “appropriate” (does not yet satisfy the requirements to be appointed), they can still be appointed to a statutory position for the period ending on 31 March 2025.
After 31 March 2025, however, they must meet the prescribed elements for that statutory position to maintain their eligibility, which means passing the applicable legislation examination and successfully completing the applicable WHS risk management units. Statutory certificates are required for some appointments.
For those with certificates of competency recognised under the superseded legislation, the transitional arrangement also applies if they wish to continue to hold an equivalent certificate beyond 31 March 2025.
This means nominees have almost two years within which to complete the eligibility criteria for their statutory position. Further information about transitional arrangements is available on the WorkSafe website.