Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards

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The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards recognise outstanding solutions, innovations, and contributions to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia.

WorkSafe’s vision is safe and healthy workplaces, and the Awards support this by recognising the exceptional contributions of organisations and health and safety representatives towards safety in the workplace.

All workers and workplaces in WA are encouraged to submit nominations to celebrate the achievements of individuals and companies committed to making workplaces healthier and safer. 

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Nominations are now open

Seize the opportunity to celebrate excellence in the workplace by nominating outstanding workplaces, leaders and workers for the 2025 Awards.
whs awards nominations

2025 Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards

Nominations are now open. All workers and workplaces are encouraged to submit nominations, to celebrate the achievements of individuals and companies who are committed to making workplaces healthier and safer.

Nominations close Friday, 27 June 2025. Winners will be announced at the Awards ceremony in October during Safe Work Month.

All nominations must be completed online at the WA Safety Awards website.

View previous years' finalists and winners

Click on each year to find out more about the finalists, winners, and certificate of merit achievers.

Award categories

The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards offer five categories.

Category 1

Work health and safety invention of the year

Recognises the development of plant / equipment engineering and / or infrastructure to enhance health and safety.

Category 2

Best solution to a work health and safety risk

Recognises innovation, implementation, and / or design of systems or procedures to improve health and safety.

Category 3

Best intervention to address a psychosocial hazard in the workplace

Recognises an organisation’s commitment to the prevention of psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

Category 4

Leadership excellence award

Recognises an organisation’s excellence in leadership in improving health and safety in the workplace.

Category 5

Health and safety representative of the year

Recognises an elected health and safety representative (HSR) who has made a significant contribution and demonstrable difference to health and safety in the workplace.

How to submit a nomination

If your organisation has developed an exceptional product or safety solution we encourage you to nominate it in one or more of the five categories of the Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards.

Essential information required

  • The assessment criteria is the main part of your entry that is assessed by the judges. There is no word limit. However, keep your answer succinct and to the point but clearly address each criteria. It is recommended to use dot points where possible, and include tables and graphs as evidence. It may help to use the STAR system- situation, task, activities, and results.
  • Company name and logo
  • Project name
  • Organisational size: small-medium or large
  • Categories 1-4 must include at least four high-resolution photographs
  • Category 5 must include one high-resolution photograph
  • A brief 200-word description of your submission for promotional purposes that showcases your nomination and solutions to a workplace health and safety problem.

Optional informaton

  • Include video attachments that highlight your submission.
  • Provide website URLs of the submission, including any applicable usernames and passwords.

Things to consider

  • Submission must be an original idea and not simply a purchased solution within Australia or internationally.
  • There is no limit to the number of nominations an organisation can submit, however the same nomination cannot be submitted under more than one category.
  • Use plain English or layman’s terms.
  • Read the terms and conditions before submitting a nomination.

Note: All submissions must be completed online at the WA Safety Awards website.